Vace (NPC)

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Vace (Olivaceous)
Pronouns He/Him
Affiliation Helios
Age at Game Start 13
Birthday Mid Wet
Augment Well endowed
Likes Strange devices, cake
Dislikes Blue bobberfruit, red xeno eggs, yellow flowers

Lieutenant Olivaceous is a young soldier from the Heliopause who arrives on Vertumna in the fifth year of landing. His friendship can be raised through various Garrison activities and hunting in the swamps.

His level 10 friendship event requires several months after reaching 100 friendship to occur.

He refers to Anemone as "Nemmie" regardless of her childhood nickname, and acts as a diplomat between Anemone and her mother Antecedent.

Memories[edit | edit source]

Vace's associated memory is Vace's Confidence, which he grants increasing tiers of at Friendship 20, 50, and 100.

Card vace1.png Vace's Confidence
-1 to neighboring cards
Physical - II
Artist Meilee Chao
Card vace2.png Vace's Confidence II
-1 to all other cards
Physical - III
Artist Meilee Chao
Card vace3.png Vace's Confidence III
-2 to all other cards
Physical - IV
Artist Meilee Chao

Gallery[edit | edit source]