Tonin (NPC)

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Tonin (Melatonin)
Pronouns He/Him
Affiliation Stratos
Age at Game Start 40
Birthday Mid Wet

Uncle Tonin is Tammy's father, Chief Surveyor, and ship's pilot of the Stratospheric. He is a sweet man who seemed better suited to space than the ground. He retires from his position in favour of Utopia.

Memories[edit | edit source]

Uncle Tonin's associated memory is Uncle Tonin's Smile, which he grants at the end of Wet, age 11.

Card tonin.png Uncle Tonin's Smile
Social - II
Artist Eduardo Vargas

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You only receive Uncle Tonin's Smile if you save him by reaching the end of the Colony Outskirts with 10 Bravery during Wet, age 11, and pass a Combat challenge.