Anemone (NPC)

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Pronouns She/Her
Affiliation Stratos
Augment Grows scales after being injured
Age at Game Start 9
Birthday Early Dust
Augment Armour-scaled skin
Likes Red xeno eggs
Dislikes Crystal clusters

Energetic girl who loves sports. Her family includes her mother Anne, her big brother Kom, and her younger brothers Cumulus, Cirrus, Stratus and Nimbus.

Memories[edit | edit source]

Anemone's Friendship memory is Anemone's Loyalty, which she grants increasing tiers of at Friendship 20, 50, and 100.

Her Skill memories are physical cards unlocked at 20, 40, and 80 Toughness.

Card anemone1.png Anemone's Loyalty
All Physical cards under 2 become 2
Physical - II
Artist Meilee Chao
Card anemone2.png Anemone's Loyalty II
All Physical cards under 3 become 3
Physical - III
Artist Meilee Chao
Card anemone3.png Anemone's Loyalty III
All Physical cards under 5 become 5
Physical - IV
Artist Meilee Chao

Card violenttale.png Telling a Violent Tale
-2 to neighboring Social cards
Physical - II
Artist Marina Rubio
Card buttkicked.png Getting Your Butt Kicked
Physical - II
Artist Lindsay Ishihiro
Card hurtingfriend.png Hurting a Friend
-4 to last card
Physical - II
Artist Sarah Mendonça

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Anemone's four younger brothers are all named after cloud formations.
This section contains spoilers. Click "show" to expand.
  • Comments and unreachable ending variations in the story script suggest that Anemone could die saving your life in the ending at some point in development.

Gallery[edit | edit source]